Outlandish, exaggerated and rhetorical statement: Red
lipstick is in fact war paint in disguise.

My father has a lovely tradition with his Christmas shopping;
leave it till the last second and then blitz it all in one day with my
assistance. This year I demanded a McFlurry as payment (for those of you who
live in a cave they cost ninety nine pee) and the stingey bastard still wouldn’t
pay up. We were almost finished, down to the last thing on the list. I was
wearing appropriate shopping battle gear- flat shoes, comfy bra, hair tied off
my face. Before the search for the small and strange last thing I felt the need
to apply copious quantities of “pleasure me red”, my favourite red lipstick
which I was most certainly not born with (maybelline, get it? HA). A bald, middle aged military man, my
father didn’t understand why I felt the need to do so. I tried to explain that
it makes you feel prepared, invincible, brave. This was when I realised that it
shouldn’t be so hard to explain to a military man after all.
Over the hectic Christmas shopping rush I realised two
things; the principles of war (selection and maintenance of the aim) can be
effectively applied to shopping, and that women who wear red lipstick are in
fact wearing a sort of modern-single-woman war paint.

My best friend hates that I am so capable of giving the
impression that I am both confident and not lost (which I am most of the time- I
really have no sense of direction). Well one weekend I accidentally left my
pleasure me red in her flat, and she too felt the draw of the war paint. She,
like me, was able to feign a confidence which she didn’t feel once she had
tried it out. She now bought her own tube a few months ago.
The Picts used to paint themselves blue before going into
battle. This was for two main reasons; to be able to identify who was on their
team in the heat of the battle and to scare the enemy. I am not suggesting that
red lipstick plays a central role in the single-vs-couple battle that has and
always will rage, but putting it on is like a tiny miniature version of the
ancient painting ceremonies. It prepares you for a world where every day is an
interview and every road a catwalk. And I love it.
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